The Catch Ministry

Recognizing ‘congregations’ all over the world were going to outgrow current facilities, the founders ‘purchased’ acreage in cyberspace for its cyber-church, which was incorporated in 2012. Many wondered why they purchased property way out here. No one is scratching their head today.  

Examples of its expanded territory include addressing over 2,275  individuals daily through its daily Catch article, to internet cyber-church community, with Sunday’s Church at the Catch attendees numbering 600 people, or six generations, sitting side-by-side, weekly international bible studies, social media, podcasts with an array of prominent guests, membership interaction, a 24/7 interactive prayer ministry, a discipleship ministry providing “boots on the ground” to over 143 countries the Ministry presently serves, one-on-one counseling to well over 200 people a month, and a personal ‘triage’ that connects members to its network of local community ministries.

The most unique feature of the Catch Ministry is that it is thoughtfully targeted to the mainstream church and the secular public, while at the same time retaining its historic orthodox commitment and character. The Catch Ministry serves a new audience: the Millennials who have been spawned by the prevalence of the internet and social media, with emphasis on ready accessibility and immediate engagement. They prefer to do without the traditional middlebrow trappings that are locked within aging Christian networks and audiences.

The Internal Revenue Services designates the Catch Ministry as a Section 501(c)(3) public organization, defining the Catch Ministry as a church. While you will not see the the steeple and clergy in robes, the Catch Ministry fulfills all of the required attributes and characteristics as if it were a brick and mortar religious practice.

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